Noch ein scheinbar neuer Hersteller. Er bringt Figuren zum 2001 Hong Kong martial arts sports comedy film Shaolin Soccer von und mit Stephen Chow.
LT Studio 1/6 Scale Shaolin Soccer The Golden Right Leg XD
Part List:
Head sculpt x1
Half seamless figure body x1
Hands x 9 pcs
Whistle x1
Strip Sweater x1
Grey Jacket x1
Dark Pants x1
White running shoes x1 pair
Figure Stand x1
Backdrop x1
Extruded Can x1
LT Studio 1/6 Scale Shaolin Soccer The Powerful KingKong Leg
Part List:
Head sculpt x1
Half seamless figure body x1
Hands x 11 pcs
Name card (Paper) x1
Woundplast x1
Garbage bags cover x2
Garbage bags with garbages x2
Football (Built in magnet) x1
Red tanktop x1
Blue pants x1
Yellow waist belt x1
White socks x1 pair
Damaged shoes x1 pair
Shaolin uniform x1
Red socks x1 pair
Football shoes (Built in magnet) x1 pair
Backdrop and figure stand x1
Bamboo steamer x1
Sweetheart Bun x1
Blue Sport Jacket x1
LT Studio 1/6 Scale Shaolin Soccer Enhance Pack
Including Rooted hair head sculpt x1 and figure body x1