Unter Lizenz des Linsner Studios und anläßlich des 30. Dawn Jubiläums präsentieren uns TBLeague und Executive Replicas stolz die erste 1/6 Figur von Dawn.
The gorgeous 1/6 Dawn figure comes with the following features:
1 head sculpt
1 TBLeague 1/6 female seamless body with metal skeleton
3 pairs of interchangeable hands
1 pair of feet with shoes
1 upper bodysuit with skull prints
1 one-piece outfit (long coat and a pair of trousers)
1 choker
1 waist armor
1 pair of armlets
1 pair of forearm armors
1 pair of ankle armors
1 spear
1 sword
3 guideboards for the base
2 wings for the base
1 base and holder