TBLeague, Executive Replicas & ARH Studios bringen Anck Su Namun als 1/6 Figur, basierend auf der ARH Statue.
As part of our ever-expanding line of action figure dolls, we are going to release ANCK SU NAMUN 1/6th scale next, and I want to share a few images I received today. Following Anck Su Namum, we will also release CLEOPATRA 1/6th scale doll, based on our statue. The Cleopatra doll is also ready, and I will show pictures soon. Now what excites me the most is that after Cleo, we’ll have NARAMA!!!! Yes, Arkhalla’s nemesis is coming as a doll, and soon as a statue as well!
For now, guys enjoy our ANCK SU NAMUN!