WGR Toys: Warring States Monk Soldiers


WGR Toyspräsentiert diesen Mönch,

List of accessories:
Head: * 1
The shape of the hand: * 3
Blank: * 1
Lower band (underwear) : *1
Cloth (middle coat) : *1
Hakama (pants) : *1
Seduction garment (robe) : *2
Black equator: *1
Associating mio (waist line) : * 1
Arm guard: * 1
Shin Protector(leg guard) : *1
Straw shoes (sandals) : *1
Taidao: * 1
Big razor: *1
Beads: * 1
Hood: * 1
Pedestrian Bag (Head Wrap) : *1

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